להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מזהים נוספים
Library of congress:
sh 97004553
מקורות מידע
- Work cat.: 97-24319: Kawasaki, M.L. Systematics of Erisma (Vochysiaceae), 1997:CIP galley (Erisma, one of the seven genera of the tropical family Vochysiaceae; genus Erisma was est. by Rudge in 1805)
- Dict. flow. ferns, 1985:p. 431 (Erisma Rudge. Vochysiaceae)
- Coll. dict. botany, 1971:p. 180 (Erisma, the rachis in grasses)
- Ind. nom. gen. (plant.)(Erisma, Phan. Vochysiaceae)
- Engler Syl. Pflanz.:p. 274 (Erisma)