Argentine Dogo
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מידע על הזהות:
מזהים נוספים
Library of congress:
מקורות מידע
- Work cat.: Gannon, D. The Argentine Dogo handbook, 2002:t.p. (Argentine Dogo) p. 5 (developed from ten ancestral breeds; bred to hunt wild boar and other large game) p. 6 (in Argentina and many parts of the world known as Dogo Argentino; in France known as Dogue d'Argentin; in Holland known as De Argentijnse Dog; in Czechoslovakia [sic] known as Argentinska Dogo; Argentine Dogo Club of America uses anglicized form of breed name, while Dogo Argentino Club of America uses original Spanish form)
- American Kennel Club WWW site, Mar. 11, 2003(Argentine Dogo; aka Dogo Argentino, Argentinian Mastiff, listed under AKC's Foundation Stock Service as a purebred breed not yet eligible for AKC registration)
- Dogs: a dictionary of dog breeds, 2001(Dogo Argentino; also known as the Argentinian mastiff)
- Alltheweb search, Mar. 11, 2003(Argentine mastiff)
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תקציר מויקיפדיה:
דוֹגוֹ אַרְגֶּנְטִינוֹ (Dogo Argentino) הוא גזע של כלב. זהו כלבה הלאומי של ארגנטינה.
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