Loas (Drama)
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
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מזהים נוספים
Library of congress:
מקורות מידע
- Work cat.: 2006383902: Entremeses, loas y coloquios de Potosí, 2005.
- The Oxford companion to Spanish literature, 1978(Loa started out as a religious prologue that evolved into a movement that spread out to secular drama in the form of short plays; known for lavishing praise on a wide variety of subjects; originally monologues, they developed into miniature plays to interest early arrivals; [lists of several prominent Spaniard authors])
- Enc. univ. ilus., 1929(Loa was a dramatic prologue commonly used in classic Spanish drama that would take on the form of dramatic poetry)
- Cambridge history of Latin American literature, 1996:(The loa was a genre of the theatre that embraced both secular and religious themes in colonial Spanish America. While most loas preceded full-length plays by colonial, or more frequently, Peninsular playwrights, they rarely by the eighteenth century, served merely as an introduction to the larger piece. Rather, they were independent works of a panegyric nature: [lists authors from Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, and Mexico])