Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism (Australia)
להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
מידע על הזהות:
שם ראשי (לועזית)
Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism (Australia)
Australia. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism
CRC Tourism (Australia)
CRC for Sustainable Tourism (Australia)
STCRC (Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism (Australia))
Sustainable Tourism CRC (Australia)
Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (Australia)
University of Canberra. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism
מקורות מידע
- Guidelines for public use measurement and reporting at parks and protected areas, 1999:t.p. (Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, CRC Tourism)
- Economic value of tourism to places of cultural heritage significance, 2001:PDF t.p. (CRC for Sustainable Tourism, University of Canberra) t.p. verso (Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism)
- Its home page, July 25, 2005(Sustainable Tourism CRC; STCRC; Sustainable Tourism CRC Pty. Ltd.) about STCRC (Sustainable Tourism CRC (STCRC) was established under the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program; the STCRC is a not-for-profit company owned by its industry, government and university partners) research (Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre) summar sheets (CRC for Sustainable Tourism)