Tallarico, Tony, 1933-2022

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
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מידע על הזהות:
שם ראשי (לועזית)
Tallarico, Tony, 1933-2022
Tallarico, A. (Anthony), 1933-2022
Tallarico, Anthony, 1933-2022
תאריך לידה
תאריך פטירה
מקום לידה
Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.)
מקום פטירה
South Setauket (N.Y.)
מדינות קשורות
United States
מקום מגורים/מרכז פעילות
South Setauket (N.Y.)
תחום פעילות
Cartoons and comics
Comic books, strips, etc.
Authors Artists
מזהים נוספים
VIAF: 163335398
Wikidata: Q7823522
Library of congress: n 80061009
OCoLC: oca00442700
DLC: n 80061009
LIBRARY_OF_CONGRESS: 98153610340000041
מקורות מידע
  • Seymour, D. Z.Bill and the fish, 1967, c1965.
  • The missing snowman, c1991:T.p. (A. Tallarico)
  • LC COHM file, 08-29-03(Tallarico, Tony, 1933- )
  • Phone call from publisher, Kidsbooks, 09-18-03(b. Sep. 20, 1933 in Brooklyn, NY; "Tony and Tony Tallarico" are two different people)
  • Information from 678 converted Dec. 16, 2014(illustrator)
  • Wikipedia, viewed September 20, 2017:Tony Tallarico page (Tony Tallarico (born 1933)] is an American comic book artist, and children's book illustrator and author. Often paired in a team with his generally uncredited penciler, Bill Fraccio, Tallarico drew primarily for Charlton Comics and Dell Comics, including, for the latter, the comic book Lobo, the first to star an African-American)
  • Wikipedia, accessed October 30, 2019(Tony Tallarico; worked under the pseudonyms Tony Williamson and Tony Williamsune with Bill Fraccio)
  • Wikipedia, viewed January 31, 2022(Tony Tallarico, died January 6, 2022 at home in South Setauket, New York