Bullock carts

להגדלת הטקסט להקטנת הטקסט
  • נושא
| מספר מערכת 987012575256805171
מידע על הזהות:
שם ראשי (לועזית)
Bullock carts
Bullock carriages
Drays, Bullock-
Hackeries (Bullock carts)
Ox carts
נושא איתו מזוהה
Carriages and carts
מזהים נוספים
Wikidata: Q1190777
Library of congress: sh2020005436
מקורות מידע
  • Work cat.: Covered oxcart and natives on the road near the tracks somewhere on the Darjeeling-Himalayan Railway, India, circa 1894, via University of Washington digital collections, International Collections, May 8, 2020.
  • Wikipedia, May 8, 2020(a bullock cart or ox cart (sometimes called a bullock carriage when carrying people in particular) is a two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle pulled by oxen)
  • Singapore infopedia website, May 8, 2020(Bullock carts were one of the earliest and most popular modes of transport in 19th- and early-20th-century Singapore)
  • Merriam-Webster dictionary online, June 2, 2020Oxcart (a cart drawn by oxen) hackery (plural -es: (India) a bullock cart)
  • Oxford English dictionary online, June 2, 2020Bullock (under compounds: bullock-car, bullock-carriage, bullock-cart, bullock-dray, bullock-wagon) Ox-cart (a cart drawn by an ox or oxen)
  • Four views including a river scene, village market and buildings, a covered bullock cart pulled by two bulls, and two men by a hackery pulled by one bull, 1895-1896, between 1895 and 1896, via University of Washington digital collections, International Collections, May 8June 2, 2020.
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